Friday, July 9, 2010

da besh ever!

ok.. here it goes~
da main reason y i din update my blog = i got my industrial training for 2 months!

location : lenfa medical supplies, sg buloh..
sg buloh, means i stayed at my uncle's ouse.. *thnx ude n family! =)*

my LI : da best training ever!
coz i got da best supervisors : irene n siew hoon *miss them lots!*
n i got da best group members : siew nu n chan huo * c u at upm!*

2 bulan, x lame..
tapi sangatttttttttt banyak pengalaman aku dapat..
banyak bnde baru masuk otak..
sangat best dpt kje under irene n siew hoon..
sangat.. sangat.. very da understanding okeyh! sgt simple n sgt besh..
boley d ajak borak n x tension kje ngn dorang..
every mins, we really enjoyed da working time..

irene : in charge 4 our R&D.. irene sgt besh.. die boleyh d bawak bincang n tanye la pape pun.. soklan bodo cane pun kitorang tanye die akn jawab dgn full nye.. haha! sgt complete! boley kate kitorang ag banyak wt kje ngan irene sbb buat R&D tuk customer skali.. besh! she sumtimes can be blurrrrrrrr~ haha! n slalu join kitorang borak2 n gelak2 skali.. tapi kalo buat R&D n kje die bley jadi siyes.. tp siyes die pun boley je lagi gelak2.. ohhh damn! i miss her~

siew hoon : our drama queen! siew hoon really looks like 'budak2'! sangat! die slalu je gelak2.. n slalu jgk jadi bahan gelak kitorang! haha! siew hoon in charge in da QC lab.. die banyak sgt ajar pasal microbe n bacteria.. so we alwez deal wif bacteria tau! euuuwww~ busukss! siew hoon sangat besh! even kitorang nye 1st microbe test fail, die x marah.. die tau kitorang blaja lagi.. siew hoon! i really miss ur "oh my goddddddddddd~" n "lapangan subang terbang??!"..

my lab partner, siew nu n chan huo..
eppy n njoy workng wif u guyz!
thnx 4 everything~

kalo ikot bnyak sangat nk cite..
tapi x tau nk cite mcm man sbb x tau nk buat cane..
perasaan die adalah sangat gembire dpt wt LI kat situ..
tapi, da end, sangat sedey nak cakap 'bye2' 2 irene, siew hoon n kak sarah~

later will update..
juz njoy da pics 1st k!
hik! =))

*gift from us~ simple but meaningful.. eceh! ngee~*

*dearie kk sarah! thnx!*

*last day~ last lunch~ =(*

*world halal research! damn cool~*

*laminar flow~ gonna mish ya!*

*malas nk rotate.. heee~ luvly moments! =D*

*irene! u r da best! wahahahha~*

*me wif my moomo!*

*last task with irene.. still njoy it! =p*

* looks messy, actly no laaa~ damn! rinduuuu~ *

*me wif da R&D project!*

*its siew hoon! our drama queen! =p*

2 ngomel-ngomelan!:

Call me Maria

ko update jugak belog ko..

ajja baek

ternanti2 bukan..???
itulah yg aku nk!!
hahahha~ =p

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